Monday, October 11, 2010

Head Games...

Foreigner is one of my wife's favorite bands. She told me she has the double disk and I can borrow it whenever I want...

I also did a few more flowers for my wife. They're part of a dozen I started a long time ago and have been neglecting.


  1. The flowers are especially sweet. That reminds me of when my musician husband writes me a song. And yeah. What were you thinking switching foreigner? Don't you wanna know what love is? Man.

  2. I love Christine's face in the comic! She has the "I really am having a hard time understanding why you would do this" face. Love it! Both flower pics are great - but the freesia flower is amazing! I love how the buds hold the open flowers - the shading - all of if it is great!!!

  3. Thanks Robin and Oehme! The freesia is a cool flower. I hadn't seen one until Amanda got a couple for our Open House.
