It's time to make those New Year's Resolutions again. Last year I made many, but the one I really stuck to was drawing everyday. In the past, my interest in art has always come and gone. I didn't really get anything from just doing it for myself. I needed to showcase it. Talk about it with other people. I never really had a way to do that until I discovered blogging. Because of that I have to say, "Thank you!" to my family, friends, and fellow bloggers who check in everyday and give me words of encouragement. I would have lost interest and motivation a long time ago if it hadn't been for you.
As I look back at past blogs it's fun to see how much I've improved, think of the sketchbooks I've filled, and the Visual Journal Project I finished. Things will look a little different for 2010. I'm not going to be as strict about posting each day. I'll post once a week for sure (Sunday), but probably a lot more than that.
This year I'll be concentrating on completing larger projects that take several days to finish, visual journal entries, developing my water color skills, and illustrating memories from my childhood. I can't wait to look over all my creations and see the progress I've made a year from now!
Keep checking in and leaving comments. You encourage me and motivate me more than you could know. Thanks!